iDnt get myself at all.
Dats a problem, but then again it's my problem and not everybody else.
iDecide to start writin how i feel instead of. bullshitin. nd keepin everything to myself.
cause in the end the shit erks the hell out of me.
Have you ever felt like everything you do.ends up makin yu happy for a second then it ends up hurting you.what fuckery...
i find myself questionin everything i say nd do. nd that goes for everybody around me. i observe more.. stuff dat gets to me i can no longer hold it in. i must speak my mind.
i'll be damn if i let somebody walk ova me.disrespect me. treat me in a way i dnt deserve.
Sheesh i feel i do give 100 in somethings. dat involves my feelins. not in the stuff i should be giving 100 in. SMH. like i said its my problem. dat i must solve. to be continue......
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